Is the pain great enough?

  • Are you  being squeezed by your customers into reducing prices and improving customer service at the same time?

  • Are your suppliers trying to increase their prices to you?

  • Could you better use the money you have in inventory for improvements in systems , development of new products and/or purchase of new manufacturing equipment?

  • Do you have large variations in lead times and sales forecasts at the SKU level?

  • Are your total delivered costs (manufacturing, logistics and carrying costs for inventory and accounts receivable) as a percent of sales high compared to your industry average and competitors and reducing profits?

  • Are your competitors implementing new Supply Chain software systems with greatly improved functionality?

If so, What can you do?

If you want to resolve these kinds of Supply Chain problems, then the “Steve Lauderbaugh, LLC” Supply Chain Management consulting company can help you reengineer these core Supply Chain areas to improve performance:

Demand Management (Forecast/Plan)– by improving forecasts and materials planning schedules to support the efficient flow of products and services throughout the Supply Chain.

Procurement (Source)– by developing strategic plans and forming alliances with key suppliers, focusing resources on minimizing total delivered costs, supporting  the manufacturing  “make” process while achieving simplified replenishment and transactional costs within the supply Chain.

Manufacturing Flow Management (Make) – by obtaining maximum flexibility of production planning in using manufacturing capabilities and capacities in order to provide rapid response to changing market conditions and satisfying  customer requirements.

Logistics Fulfillment Management (Deliver)- by improving the  supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to satisfy  customers’ requirements.

©2001 Steve Lauderbaugh, LLC.

(651) 738-1433