
Steve Lauderbaugh, company President, brings many years of experience from his work in 3M as: internal Supply Chain Management consultant; logistics operations, planning and engineering management: and manufacturing planning and scheduling management. He has completed Supply Chain Management projects in U.S. divisions and International companies. The project results significantly increased service, reduced costs and improved asset utilization. These projects were in the following markets: Industrial; Medical; Chemical; Electro and Telecommunications; Transportation, Graphics and Safety.

Steve has taught Supply Chain Management executive education seminars at the University of Wisconsin and Ohio State/University of North Florida for the past five years, made presentations at the Council of Logistics Management annual conference and for the U.S. Air Force, Army and Navy. He has a Master in Industrial Engineering degree from Iowa State University and is APICS certified. He is considered an expert in Supply Chain Management knowledge. 

©2001 Steve Lauderbaugh, LLC.

(651) 738-1433